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All these feels
Monday, March 4, 2013 | 0 comments
Assalammualaikum wbt my sayangs

New update! Yay! Memang dah lama since the last update kan? Alhamdulillah korang still sabar menjadi followers. Sebab tu didot lagi sayang dekat kamu semua !

Okay, today's topic is about being there for someone. And I am saying this in general. Jangan nak terasa sangat laa ye?

Mengapa tiba tiba didot cakap pasal ini? well, its because didot now banyak perasan perangai ni merata rata tempat. For example, hamba Allah 'A' berkawan dengan hamba Allah 'B'. 'A' dan 'B' kira rapat jugak laa. Pada suatu hari, si 'A' ni, dia nak mintak tolong dekat 'B' but 'B' ni tak pedulikan si 'A'

'A' pun pikir yang 'B' ni mungkin busy... Soo whatever laa kan? Then suddenly! 'A' nampak 'B' tengah berkomen/bercalling/berjalan/bertexting dengan someone else. Just because someone else ni species lain ke or lagi lawa or lagi handsome, ' B' pun buat donno kat 'A'

Haa! Sesiapa yang terasa tu, sorry to say laa kan because didot amek contoh je. Tak ckp pun based on experience ke hapa/ But seriouly though, tak sakit hati ke kalau dapat orang macam tu. Apatah lagi kalau kami sendiri  pun sanggup buat ape ape demi itu orang. Yeah, I know that feeling. Didot selalu kena macam tu. It is so hard to find the right friend nowadays.

But if you are willing to find that friend, you have to endure all kinds of crap you might get. Just saying.
Didot? I have alot of bestfriend that I care. But I dont think I am anyone's best friend. I am that girl who is easily replaced.

Okay, thats all for today. I will update as soon as I can. I love you readers <3

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